Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring is Here!

I'm in the tapering off phase, so my long run this week was only 6 miles :)  It was wonderful, not only because I didn't have to run an obscene distance, but I also didn't have to devote half of my day to a long run.  In fact, I kept putting it off and didn't run until this evening (thanks to the big brunch I had sitting in my stomach).  Even though I waited about 6 hours after I ate to run, I could still feel brunch sitting in my stomach for the first 3 miles.

The best part about my run was seeing all the people out in the park.  There were picnics and barbecues, a group of kids playing sand volleyball, lots of other runners and walkers, and a playground full of kids.  There were also a lot of people walking around with (who I assumed to be) their moms.  It made my heart really happy.  I was also a little bit sad that I didn't get to spend Mother's Day with my mom, but I will get to see her next weekend because she will be coming to cheer me on during the marathon.  Love you mom, you're wonderful :) 

This whole marathon thing feels extremely surreal.  At this point, I expected to feel more "ready."  I don't really know what that would feel like.  I definitely feel like I'm as ready as I will be, but I don't feel like a marathoner.  I guess that's similar to when I graduated from college - I thought I would feel like a college graduate, but I still just felt like me.  Getting jobs and living on my own, I thought I would feel like an adult, but again, I still just feel like me.  I guess that's the same with the marathon - I thought I would feel like a runner or something, but I'm still just me.  Hm.

6 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes to go.  (I feel the need to count everything as it gets's like the 4 year old who makes sure to tell you that she's not just 4, she's 4 and 3 months).

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