Saturday, May 14, 2011

My To-Do List

Go to the Race Expo - check
Get my number (3735) - check 
Get a bag full of free stuff (the part I'm most excited for?  The free socks.  And the fact that most of the stuff says Pittsburgh Marathon on it.) - check
Buy a sweet head band - check (it's basically florescent zebra print - no one should be surprised)
Sleep as much as possible Friday night since I'll probably be too nervous on Saturday night - check (all the cool kids go to bed at 8:30 on a Friday night)
Eat LOTS OF CARBS!!! - this one is in an ongoing process of being checked off 
Look at the race map and have a mini heart attack - check

Looking at the above list, I feel pretty accomplished.  I do have a lot to do before tomorrow (including but not limited to buying a shirt to wear, figuring out exactly how I'm getting to the race, buying headphones, and hanging out with my parents who are awesome and coming to visit me to watch me race), but most of the hard work is behind me.  Wow.  I can't believe it's been 17 weeks since I started training.

21 hours and 49 minutes to go.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rock Out

Since the marathon is a little over 4 days away, I figured I should start looking things up (you know, where I have go to start, parking, what I should have received in the mail by now - mildly important things).  As one may guess, I did not find out anything important, but I did get distracted and excited by the "Bands 2011" page.  There are 61 bands and djs that are in some way associated with the marathon. 

Not gonna lie, I'm super stoked.  Lady Ag Ag, Semi-Super Villains, The Damaged Pies - could life get any better?  Okay, you might argue that it could get better if you could listen to these bands (which are sure to be fantastic) without running 26.2 miles.  

According to the website, headphones and music players are discouraged.  I'm seriously considering running without music, since there will be a lot of activity along the way.  I haven't decided yet, but it is tempting to carry as little as possible.

4 days, 4 hours and 58 minutes to go.  It's on.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spring is Here!

I'm in the tapering off phase, so my long run this week was only 6 miles :)  It was wonderful, not only because I didn't have to run an obscene distance, but I also didn't have to devote half of my day to a long run.  In fact, I kept putting it off and didn't run until this evening (thanks to the big brunch I had sitting in my stomach).  Even though I waited about 6 hours after I ate to run, I could still feel brunch sitting in my stomach for the first 3 miles.

The best part about my run was seeing all the people out in the park.  There were picnics and barbecues, a group of kids playing sand volleyball, lots of other runners and walkers, and a playground full of kids.  There were also a lot of people walking around with (who I assumed to be) their moms.  It made my heart really happy.  I was also a little bit sad that I didn't get to spend Mother's Day with my mom, but I will get to see her next weekend because she will be coming to cheer me on during the marathon.  Love you mom, you're wonderful :) 

This whole marathon thing feels extremely surreal.  At this point, I expected to feel more "ready."  I don't really know what that would feel like.  I definitely feel like I'm as ready as I will be, but I don't feel like a marathoner.  I guess that's similar to when I graduated from college - I thought I would feel like a college graduate, but I still just felt like me.  Getting jobs and living on my own, I thought I would feel like an adult, but again, I still just feel like me.  I guess that's the same with the marathon - I thought I would feel like a runner or something, but I'm still just me.  Hm.

6 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes to go.  (I feel the need to count everything as it gets's like the 4 year old who makes sure to tell you that she's not just 4, she's 4 and 3 months).

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Countdown Begins

10 more days.

17 weeks of training have come down to this.  If I'm not ready for the marathon, 10 days aren't really going to help.  It's terrifying and liberating all at the same time.

I decided to pretend like I planned this on purpose, and make my 25th year a really big deal.  So far I'm running a marathon and I will be skydiving this summer.  I can check two things off the bucket list that I haven't even created yet...I'm that good.  If anyone has more bucket list suggestions, I'm all ears.  It's definitely fun when things kind of fall into my lap, but I'm not against seeking things out as well.  Although before anyone suggests it, I will not be having a baby in my 25th year.  I do have 10 months left before I turn 26 so it's technically possible, but being that I'm currently single and not planning on hitting up the sperm bank anytime soon, that dream is going to have to wait (sorry for those of you who are waiting to have kids so that our kids can be best friends and/or fall in love...not that I think about things like that, that would be weird).

10 more days.  It's getting real up in here.