Saturday, March 26, 2011

This is what happens when my mp3 player runs out of batteries...

At the beginning of mile 16 today, my body and I started to have a conversation.

My body:  You're mean.

Me:  What?

My body:  You're mean.  16 miles, really?  When is that ever a good idea?

Me:  I...

My body:  Especially with our body type.  Our short legs, they're not made for this.  Long legged people, sure, they take 3 steps and they've already covered at least 10 miles.  But not us.  Is that it, are you trying to punish me for not being long and lean?  I thought we've come to terms with this.  Yes, it's annoying that short jeans are a little too short for us and regular length jeans drag on the floor, but remember, we can wear heels and still be shorter than most men.

Me:  True...

My body:  So what is it?  What have I done to warrant such punishment?  I've held my tongue for a long time now.  First, you start running more often.  That was great, when we were running 3 or 4 miles at a time.  Then you start throwing in these 10, 12, 14 mile runs.  Maybe it's just a phase, I told myself.  So I sent you signals, just to be safe.  Exhaustion, tired knees, sore back, more exhaustion.  I figured you'd catch on, realize that I wasn't super excited about your decisions.  Even when we were at work, I held my tongue.  But seriously, 90 lb. children should NOT get piggy back rides!  Then, you decide to give a child a piggy back ride UP THE STAIRS??!?!?  But even that I could handle.  It's for the children, it's for a good cause.  I get it.  But this...16 miles...this doesn't make sense.

Me:  I...

My body:  I...I...what? to cause us pain?  I...enjoy running distances that would make a whole lot more sense to be traveled in a car? doing this because I enjoy it?  I know that's not true, I am part of you.  You think it's just as ridiculous as I do.  But I get made a commitment.  You're this far in, can't give up now.  We can be stubborn like that.  But seriously, next time you decide to get out of your comfort zone or try something new and difficult, it's the brain's turn.  After this marathon, I'm taking a vacation.

49 days to go.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Since it's been a while since I've posted, here's a quick recap:

     Week 7: Another "oops" week.  I can't remember at this point, but I think I only ran 4.5 miles all week.  My excuse - it was the week of my birthday so it didn't count :)
     Week 8: I got back on the wagon, just in time for a 14 mile run.  This time I didn't make the mistake of eating Indian food before my run, and it went a lot better than I expected it to.  Although it has just started to hit me that I will actually be running 26.2 miles.  At what point does that sound like a good idea?  I'm guessing never.  Best part: the African American man who told me "Don't lose too much, now, don't lose too much."
     Week 9: I met my running goals, had an easy weekend run of 8 miles (love the cut-back weeks) and felt like I was running my short runs faster than I had been before.  Also, the weather was fantastic.  When I was running in the park, I saw parents playing football and baseball with their children, people out with their dogs, children playing on the playground, people feeding the ducks, and -my personal favorite- a grown man being dragged down the street by 2 leaping, smiling great danes.
     And that brings us to this week.  So far, not so hot.  I ran on Monday.  On Tuesday, I was exhausted from work, so I opted to nap instead of run.  On Wednesday, I realized that I had to make a choice between running and grocery shopping.  Since I had eaten the same soup for 4 days straight I decided to go to the grocery store (and it was the last day mangoes were on sale!).  So tonight I was busy until around 9:00, but I knew I needed to run if I'm going to get my runs in this week (and this weekend's run is 16 miles so I don't want to get too lazy).  And that is why I am awake at 10:46, blogging instead of sleeping.  My body is like a hyperactive child, yelling "this is fun, let's run around some more!  Sleep is for losers!" while my mind is saying "go to sleeeeeeeep.  We have to work in the morning."

So now I will go and attempt to listen to my mind.  Or just lay in my bed while my body and mind duke it out for a while.

51 days to go.  No way.  That's not possible.